Author, Editor, Publisher, Coach

Category: Six-Sentence Sunday

Six-Sentence Sunday #4 – Devane’s Reality – A Short Story

Welcome to Six-Sentence Sunday.

The idea is to give you a small taste (6 consecutive sentences) of one of my pieces, but a compelling one. You can find previous Six-Sentence Sunday excerpts by searching under the Category by that name.

So, is the excerpt below effective? Only you can tell me that.

Six-Sentence Excerpt – Devane’s Reality (A Short Story)

My mind roils as I cling to hope and expectation, only to find, one day after the next, disappointment greater than in the day before. Only one creature creeps out of the darkness to haunt my nights. I’ve known this stalker before—loneliness, my sole companion on this bizarre expedition.

I now understand that we humans do not suffer solitude well. I long for contact—any contact. I yearn to meet a one-legged, one-armed, one-eyed, elderly gypsy woman who spends every waking minute singing show tunes with a voice like a howler monkey undergoing torture.

Available at Amazon


Six-Sentence Sunday #3 – Forgive Me, Alex

Welcome to Six-Sentence Sunday.

The idea is to give you a small taste (6 consecutive sentences) of one of my pieces, but a compelling one. You can find previous Six-Sentence Sunday excerpts by searching under the Category by that name.

So, is the excerpt below effective? Only you can tell me that.

Six-Sentence Excerpt – Forgive Me, Alex (A Psychological Thriller Novel)

Mitchell Norton, the man I’ve long considered the devil, smiles atop the courthouse steps and waves to the simmering crowd. He tilts his head back to soak in the sunshine and cool breeze of the late spring day, the tranquility of which stands in stark contrast to the circumstances of this event.

The mere sight of him pushes me to the dark edge of my mind, where sanity hangs like… like… like a balloon in a tornado!

I stand in shadow across the street, one amongst many in the crowd of curiosity-hounds gathered to watch a monster’s release. As my face blazes, fists clench and teeth grind, I can easily imagine the onset of a stroke, an aneurism, a pulmonary embolism, a raging scream—

Control yourself, Tony!

Available at Amazon


Six-Sentence Sunday #2 – Forgive Me, Alex

Welcome to Six-Sentence Sunday (one day early).

The idea is to give you a small taste (6 consecutive sentences) of one of my pieces, but a compelling one. You can find previous Six-Sentence Sunday excerpts by searching under the Category by that name.

So, is the excerpt below effective? Only you can tell me that.

Six-Sentence Excerpt – Forgive Me, Alex (A Psychological Thriller Novel)

I killed my first man in 1975, at the age of fifteen.

Norton’s actions three years later would push me deeper into my transformation, and aim me toward this place. The life I now lead. The me who isn’t me.

Some things I’ve lost forever. Other things… well, other things I’d like to lose, but can’t.

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Six-Sentence Sunday #1 – Forgive Me, Alex

Okay, so this is a simple but great idea. I must give credit where credit is due: I first saw this on author Alex Laybourne’s website, according to which he first saw it on Darlene Steelman’s website. Maybe Darlene has started something here.

The idea is to give you a small taste (6 consecutive sentences) of one of my pieces, but a compelling one. So, is the excerpt below effective? No clue. Only you can tell me that.

Six-Sentence Excerpt – Forgive Me, Alex (A Psychological Thriller Novel)

Alex’s vacant brown eyes and perpetual frown, his continuous soft sigh and the musty smell of sweat and tears on his Scooby-Doo pajamas, the way his chin rested continually on his chest—these left me utterly heartbroken.

I could only pray that the dark Christmas of 1975 would slip into history as the worst I would ever experience. Surely, Dad, Alex and I would recover our happiness, our optimism, as our futures unfolded according to a new plan, albeit a motherless one.

That little executioner’s waltz I’d performed on the street in front of our house in August would no doubt be my last dance.

Little did I know: more monsters roamed the world than I’d ever imagined.

They weren’t finished with me.

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