Author, Editor, Publisher, Coach

Category: Promotion (Page 2 of 2)

These eBooks by Lane Diamond are now available to Amazon Prime members.

I’ve decided to participate in the Amazon KDP Select program, making my following titles available to Amazon Prime members through their lending library.

Psychological thriller novel, Forgive Me, Alex.

Psychological adventure short story, Devane’s Reality.

Feel-good South American adventure short story, Wind Tunnel.

I think this offers a terrific opportunity to my readers. I hope you’ll agree, and that you’ll take advantage, and that you’ll tell the world, and we’ll have peace on Earth, rainbows on the moon and—-

Err… okay, got a little carried away there.


Raffle for Free eBook Copy of “Forgive Me, Alex” – Hosted by Tim Ward

Book blogger, podcaster, and all-around friend of authors, Tim Ward, is hosting a raffle today for a FREE copy of my eBook, Forgive Me, Alex. There is absolutely no purchase required, and no obligation of any kind.

However, we offered to sweeten the pot for the lucky winner: If you win the raffle, and if you subsequently post a review of Forgive Me, Alex online, at the site from which you downloaded the book, we will provide you with a second free eBook – any book published by Evolved Publishing.

Oh, and he’s also giving away a copy of my short story, Wind Tunnel. Nice.

Check it all out at Tim’s website. But hurry! It runs for a week.


A Quick Holiday Promotion – 2.00 OFF “Forgive Me, Alex” at Smashwords

Merry Christmas, everyone! I sure hope you have a safe and special holiday season.

In that spirit, I’m offering a Special $2.00 OFF Promotion on my new psychological thriller, Forgive Me, Alex, through the first of the year. Just pop into Smashwords (all eBook formats) and use Coupon Code: BC83B.

While you’re there, be sure to grab my short story, Paradox, which is always FREE. Thank you!


The Soft Sell versus the Hard Sell: Please Don’t Cram Your Book Down My Throat

I’ve been attempting, as a writer, to think more like a reader lately. Not too much of a stretch.

At issue is what to do when my psychological thriller, Forgive Me, Alex, comes out on December 20th. I mean, I can’t just release it and sit back, waiting for it to sell a million copies as if by some form of literary osmosis. If I want people to buy my book, and of course, I do, I’ll have to work at it.

Yet which are the best methods for promoting a book? There’s quite a lot of debate about this in the indie book world. Everyone agrees that the social media venues are important tools: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and so on. We all have our blogs. Then there are blog tours and interviews.

The problem I have—as a reader—is that it all devolves into a bunch of white noise. “Buy me!” “No, buy me!” “Hey, don’t listen to them. Buy me instead!”

Frankly, I get sick and tired of that crapola, and I really don’t want to treat those who engage with me online to that nonsense. Yet how shall I sell my book if I don’t… well, sell my book?

Perhaps I should take the softer approach. I might talk about the book on occasion, but nothing too heavy. I’ll ask Tony Hooper, protagonist, to stop by from time to time, as he has already on three occasions: first visit, second visit, third visit. I’ll try to engage people in meaningful conversation, some lively but friendly debate once in a while.

I think the best thing is just to let people know my book is available. Treat potential readers with a little respect. And let the chips fall where they may.

The begging, perhaps, will come later.

Free Copy of Stephen King’s eBook – 11/22/63

I have exactly one free copy of Stephen King’s new eBook, “11/22/63” available, compliments of Simon & Schuster by way of Klout. This is strictly a first come/first serve opportunity. Once a lucky winner gets it, the link will no longer get you the book.


Whoever the lucky winner is, please leave a comment on this post so I know. Thanks, and enjoy!

SOLD! Congratulations, Destiny.


Forbidden Deals with Evolved Publishing – 4 eBooks, 1 Low Price

Do you enjoy a great read? Do you love getting lost in a different world? How about getting four fantastic tales for the price of one?

To celebrate the launch of the riveting YA paranormal thriller/romance “Forbidden Mind,” by Kimberly Kinrade, Evolved Publishing is offering an extra-special deal. If you buy a copy of “Forbidden Mind” from any online vendor, you will get three short stories for free! That’s right, FREE! And these are good, folks.

I should know. I wrote two of them. 🙂

All you have to do is email EP at with your purchase receipt for “Forbidden Mind,” and they’ll send you Smashwords coupons for the three short stories.

Buy it on Amazon, Smashwords, BookieJar (Also available on iBooks as an eBook and Barnes & Noble in paperback).

Look at what you get for just $3.99:

Forbidden Mind by Kimberly Kinrade

“Do not make any plans on the day you begin, as once you start, you will not be able to put it down.” – L.M. Stull

“…hooked me in from the beginning.” – L.E. Manning

“This book was fantastic!” – P. Larsen

“Forbidden Mind is beautifully written and worth your reading time.” – BookWormSans “Definite must read. For once you start, you simply can’t stop. 5 out of 5 stars!” – H. Badgwell


Summary Sam thinks she’s months away from freedom. After spending her life in a secret school, rented out to the rich and powerful as a paranormal spy, she is ready to head to college like any normal eighteen-year-old.

Only Sam isn’t normal. She reads minds. And just before her big going-away party, she links to the mind of a young man who changes everything.

Drake wasn’t raised as a ‘Rent-A-Kid.’ He was kidnapped and taken there by force. But his exceptional physical strength and powers of mind control make him very dangerous, especially to Sam.

When they meet, Sam is forced to face the truth of her situation, and to acknowledge that not all is as it seems in her picture-perfect world. For what awaits her on her eighteenth birthday isn’t a trip to college, but an unexpected nightmare from which she may not be able to escape.

To survive, they must work together.

But will their powers be enough to save them before it’s too late?


The Sword of Oops by D.T. Conklin

“This is a fun read. You will laugh at several points. This story is something you can finish on your lunch break without issue. It’s good for a day you are in need of a laugh.” – M.J. Kaufmann

“Fun read.” – N. Mazoni

“It reminded my of a Coen Brothers film in that it is very humorous, featuring bumbling characters caught up in something far beyond their comprehension. The Sword of Oops provides good solid laughs!” – J.R. Evans


Devane’s Reality by Lane Diamond

“I’ve finally found someone in Lane Diamond who can actually write – no mistakes, perfect grammar and structure – a breath of fresh air. Lane Diamond weaves a logical thread through “Devane’s Reality,” until revealing an ending that, while not completely surprising, is both clever and satisfying. He offers a nice mix: funny, poignant, sad, intriguing – and I love the diary mechanism.” – Steve Z.

“This haunting short story by talented author Lane Diamond explores the fragility of the mind, and shows that there is more than one kind of loneliness. I highly recommend this well-written short.” – K. Kinrade


Wind Tunnel by Lane Diamond

“The story is a well-crafted character study about a doctor facing an interesting choice in his life. How he handles it and the perspective he maintains the entire time is what really makes this little gem glow!” – J.R. Evans

“I first discovered Lane Diamond through his short story “Devane’s Reality.” What can I say? I’m hooked on this guy. He just knows how to write. “Wind Tunnel” is, as a previous reviewer stated, a feel-good story. It’s character-driven, and I enjoyed each of the two primary characters. The ending leaves the reader with some minor contemplation, which I actually enjoyed. Once again, I’m happy to recommend Lane Diamond.” – Steve Z.


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